About Us
Green Town Planning.
Sustainability. Urbanism.
Smart Growth. Placemaking.
Ruth Hamberg offers community design services to enhance your region, city, district, community, street, neighborhood or site. Landscape architecture is the art and science of designing exterior spaces: the physical layout of places and cities. Urban designers create the framework for the form, function and layout of cities. Ruth Hamberg’s expertise integrates the two disciplines.
Mission: Ruth Hamberg Landscape Architecture & Urban Design provides excellence in urban design, landscape architecture and planning services grounded in the principles of urbanism and environmental sustainability to communities and clients in Florida.
Designing Quality Green Communities
Celebrating 20 Years!
Based in Orlando since 2002, Ruth Hamberg Landscape Architecture and Urban Design has worked with a variety of clients including City of Orlando and Orange County. This small woman owned firm provides professional planning consulting services to help design great places, naturally, beautifully, sustainably. Principal Landscape Architect Ruth Hamberg assists communities in Florida who want to create or protect their unique character, provide amenities, strengthen neighborhoods, create vital, mixed use downtowns and entice new business investments. It takes planning to create livable, safe, and sustainable communities that are a joy to live and work in. Ms. Hamberg can help your community build consensus, tackle issues, benefit from assets and create great, green places to live, work and play. That’s Green Town Planning.
Florida Professional Landscape Architect license 0001273
American Institute of Certified Planners
American Planning Association
Accredited Urbanist, Congress for New Urbanism
Copyright 2024 Ruth Hamberg Landscape Architecture &
Urban Design